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  • Writer's pictureIan Macdonald

Baarden product review

This was a company I was so excited about trying just from reaching out to them. I had ordered their frankincense and sandalwood oil and balm was so excited when the package came to see they included their Moroccan spice and citrus oil and their spearmint pine and musk beard butter. So the frankincense and sandalwood oil was thin and easily worked into my beard instantly relieving my morning skin irritation and left my face feeling great all day. What was great was you did not need much oil to get the desired results. I greatly appreciated that Baarden’s labels had a full list of ingredients and also instructions on how to best use their oil. Scent wise it was pleasant not to strong and took about 5 hours to fully fade out. Much like frankincense and sandalwood their Moroccan spice and citrus was my favorite of the two oils scents it was sweet and subtle but lasted a fair amount of the day. This was such a great start to my experience using Baarden’s products and couldn‘t wait to try their balm and butter. The balm matched the frankincense and sandalwood oil, it was firm and with a little work it liquified to become very workable. Once it dried it gave my beard a firm hold that was still soft but kept all my beard hair uniformed. Just like the oil the balms label clearly listed all ingredients and instruction. The beard butter was one of my favorite butters on the market. It was easily liquified and worked into my beard leaving it soft and hydrated. It held my beard but kept it incredibly soft. Overall i thought Baarden put a lot of time perfecting their products and when talking to them you can see the pride they put into everything they make. Baarden crushed their way through the competition to be in my top 5 for companies and if you would like to see all they have to offer visit them at

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