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  • Writer's pictureIan Macdonald

Beard Baron product review

When i reached out to The Beard Baron about my website and goals to let people know all about different products they were very helpful and eager to make sure i had the knowledge to place an order for a product i wanted. I went with the sample pack that included two of the owners personal favorite scents The Imperial and Fireside, the other scent in the sample pack was wildwood. I ultimately chose to test the imperial it has a strong cherry and tobacco scent which i personally loved. The oil easily worked into my beard kept it soft and took the itch away. it gave my beard a nice shine but i did notice a lot seemed to cover my cellphone after making a phone call so if anyone does decide to use this company remember less is more(i typically use about a dime size amount) But other then that it was a high quality oil that hits all my typical check lists of easily worked into my beard, keeps my beard soft for majority of the day, takes the itch away, and smells great. The biggest downside for me is the price to amount you get, so the standard size is 1oz which goes for $25 dollars typically i typically see 2oz beard oils for roughly $20. But i will say that the fact i recommend less then a dime size amount it most likely equals out to the same amount of uses as a 2oz bottle

I would rate this product an 8.5/10 as i believe it is a high quality beard oil just not for the everyday buyer due to the price. I highly recommend that you check out their website for their full line of beard care products

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