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  • Writer's pictureIan Macdonald

Beard shedding

So something that took me a fair amount of searching for was beard shedding. At first i was actually pretty nervous about the amount of hair that would fall out of my face. after searching through a fair amount of sites i realized a beard will shed daily up to 30 hairs and more if you constantly play with it. Some tricks i found out to lower the amount of hair falling from your face one keep it groomed. two keep it hydrated. because of that reason is why i want to help educate people on how to keep your beard looking good but mainly keeping it healthy. if you have a particular product you like and would want me to do a review please shoot me an email and i will purchase the product and do an in depth review and once i get my camcorder in i will be posting beard maintenance videos. including different ways to apply beard oils,balms and butters. Different ways to shape your beard if you are just starting out or tips to keep it trimmed as it grows out.

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