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  • Writer's pictureIan Macdonald

Bearded Republic product review

For the past two weeks on and off I’ve had the opportunity to use Bearded Republic’s beard butter “Woodsman”. This happened to be one of the few butters I enjoyed using, one of the biggest reasons being it gave a fair amount of hold to my beard but still kept it feeling soft. This was absorbed fairly easily into my beard leaving it looking and feeling healthy and full. As you can imagine by the name of the butter it is a woodsy smell primarily pine, the smell of the butter was probably my least favorite part of everything. It was strong at first and faded out within 2 hours Instead of slowly fading away like other products. Luckily Bearded Republic has multiple scents to choose from so I won’t take up to much time on that. These butters are very reasonably priced $15 for a 2oz tin and you don’t need much to get the desired result. The only other small con for me was on the back they give a two part instruction on how to use but no ingredients list. It’s not a huge deal since on their website they openly list all ingredients, I just like to know what I’m putting on my face. Would I go back to buy more from Bearded Republic? Yes I would but it would be a while since my personal preference is balms over butter, if in the future they release balms or oils I could see this being a company I would do repeat business with mainly because my beard looked and felt amazing after using ”Woodsman“. If you are interested in checking out this company please visit them at

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