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  • Writer's pictureIan Macdonald

Brave and Bearded Product Review

Customer care is key to get me to want to buy a product and the customer care I received is second to none at Brave and Bearded. I ordered the sample size of Wild Nature as its fragrance caught my eye fairly quickly. I was very surprised when my package came and I had 3 different scents (Wild Nature, Brave Soul and Urban Style) as well as a new sandalwood comb. I'm very glad they sent me more because as much as I loved trying their "Wild Nature" scent I decided to review their "Brave Soul". The smell of "Brave Soul" is something I hadn't smelled yet it was citrus mixed with lavender and a woodsy smell to it that was oddly calming. Their website advised 2-4 drops for a beard under 5 inches so I went in the middle and used 3 both times I tried Brave and Bearded this worked perfect I got right down do my skin leaving it feeling amazing and no itch for the whole day with absolutely no greasy residue. My biggest complaint about Brave and Bearded is the price of their 1oz bottle is marked at $22.50 putting it at the high end of the spectrum on price. The oil itself is of a high quality but it definitely is a factor when considering to buy especially the first time. The only good thing about the price is you only need 3 drops for a small beard so that will make the bottle longer. I am very torn on the actual rating for this company mainly because of the price, I would give the oil itself is an easy 10/10 but thinking from a cost stand point that is very high so for me the cost is a 7/10. I feel with quality of oil compared to the price it is still a 8.5/10. Lastly the comb they sent me was great the teeth were closer together then the one I was using and it pulled less hair then my old one did. So if you are interested in Brave and Bearded's product please visit them at

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