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  • Writer's pictureIan Macdonald

Rugged Smuggler Galley Citrus Review

When I last reviewed Rugged Smuggler I had an issue with the longevity of their oil. I had thought that it was possible I used to little oil when first trying them out (4drops) so I decided to test the other bottle of oil they had sent me to give them a fair chance on was it the oil or the amount. This time around I used about the size of a nickel and really worked it to the roots of my beard and on to the skin. Quickly my skin felt great and again I had a strong but not overpowering smell coming from my beard, the "Galley Citrus" smelt amazing. Even with the increased amount of oil there was still no greasy residue. As I approached the 4 hour mark I was nervous that the oil would start to dry out like the last time and leave my face dry and itchy, the 4 hour mark came and went and my face still felt great. I was happy when the oil lasted about 8 hours because looking at the oils used it should not have dried out so quick the first time. I originally gave Rugged smuggler a 7/10 due to the fact my skin was so itchy so quickly, after re trying their oil and using more of it I am happy to say their oil is an 8.5/10 both scents i tried are so different but so good and knowing that you need to use more I was able to adjust and find a perfect amount that does not dry out quickly but does not make my face feel greasy.

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