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  • Writer's pictureIan Macdonald

When should I trim?

This is a question I have received a few times and the answer varies from person to person. If you are starting from scratch and looking to grow a big beard or just looking to have a little face fur the start is all the same, you'll want to go about a month of no shaving or trimming to see how your beard grows out. At this point you will shape your beard to now grow the way you want by focusing on your top,side and bottom lines. Now if you want to only have a little face fur you can pretty much trim this weekly or bi weekly this will keep your beard looking clean and neat but wont allow for any growth and in some cases if doing weekly you most likely will lose length. If you are trying to grow a larger beard like I am you will want to limit trimming to every 3 months which is pretty difficult especially when you start noticing how scruffy you can get. But once you hit that 3 month mark clean your beard dry it off and style it before trimming, it is important to make sure your beard is dry because a wet beard will hang lower and sit differently then a dry beard and having it styled is the easiest way to make sure it looks good the way you wear your beard. When I trim my beard I prefer buzzers as it makes it much quicker but scissors will lower your risk of messing up a good portion of your beard. Once you have it looking like you want you'll want to wait another 3 months before touching it again this gives your beard time to grow and fill itself in. I have the most trouble waiting 3 months and have prematurely trimmed my beard a few times making it look like it has not grown in several months. Patience is key to growing that beard you've always wanted and keeping it healthy is just as important so when looking at what products to use make sure they list their ingredients on their website don't use a faceless company that wont tell you whats in their products. Your beard and skin need specific vitamins and nutrients to grow and most of the time a quality oil and balm or butter will help with that. And please be cautious about companies claiming they sell products that makes your beard grow there isn't a product or supplement that will cause hair to magically appear where it couldn't before that is caused by genetics. There are some supplements that will help promote healthier hair growth but nothing that makes it appear.

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